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cytochrome b5造句

"cytochrome b5"是什么意思  
  • cytochrome b5    Cytochrome b5 is a membrane bound hemoprotein which function as an electron carrier for several membrane bound oxygenases. In persons with cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency, primaquine ca...
  • cytochrome b5 reductase    In persons with cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency, primaquine causes methemoglobinemia, a condition in which the blood carries less oxygen that it does normally. Infants under 6 months of...
  • nadh cytochrome b5 reductase    One patient was described as having a new class of this disorder, type III . This condition was characterized by a deficiency of NADH cytochrome b5 reductase in lymphocytes, platelets, and...
  • b5    Nde2 . . . . . . . . . . b5 32 . g4 . . . . . . . . b5 In 2013, the magazine moved to the new B5 format. The newer B5 carriages were introduced on intercity trains in 2012. Qc3 a5 18 . d5 ...
  • b5 ccg    The sixteen finalists at the first B5 CCG World Championships in Pomona, California. Pictured center holding the Vorlon action figure is Inaugural B5 CCG World Champion Serge Lavergne. All...
  • b5 episodes    Reviewer Graham Templeton wrote that " This isn't actually crucial in any way, but to me it's one of the most quintessential B5 episodes of all.
  • b5 medium    The results of stem culture were as follow : b5 medium had faster bud germination and low browning . when subculture medium was b5 + ba2mg / l + naa0 . 2mg / l , the numbers of propagation...
  • b5培养基    B5培养基是甘博格(Gamborg)等1968年设计的。 (2)B5培养基。 悬浮培养、B5培养基、炭源蔗糖也可增加紫杉醇的含量。 常用的基础培养基除了有MS培养基,还有B5培养基,N6培养基。 但其它培养基添加物,如细胞悬浮培养、B5培养基、炭源蔗糖也可增加紫杉醇的含量。 B5培养基的主要特点是含有较低的铵,这是因为铵可能对不少培养物的生长有抑制作用。 经过试验发现,有些...
  • cytochromes b5    Cytochrome b5 is a membrane bound hemoprotein which function as an electron carrier for several membrane bound oxygenases. In persons with cytochrome b5 reductase deficiency, primaquine ca...
  • nadh-细胞色素b5还原酶    b5从NADH-细胞色素b5还原酶(黄素蛋白)接受电子后,传递给硬脂酰辅酶A去饱和酶,使硬脂酸在△9位去饱和,生成油酸。 p-450含量,增加每毫克微粒体蛋白中NADPH-细胞色素C还原酶和NADH-细胞色素b5还原酶的活性,从而增加肝脏微粒体蛋白含量(Takahashi,1991)。
  • procyanidin b5    Procyanidin B5 is an epicatechin-( 4? ?! 6 )-epicatechin dimer.
  • vitamin b5    The Biore Blemish Bomb uses salicylic acid and Panthenol ( pro-vitamin B5 ), which reduces redness. His brother was Roger J . Williams, another important chemist at the time and discoverer...
  • 帕萨特b5    记者摘抄如下:我在2 00 1年1 0月1 5日购买一部帕萨特B 51.8 T自动挡轿车。 ”柴先生说他实在不明白,这辆帕萨特B 51.8 T轿车最基本的瓦架子安装都出了问题,厂家是不是应该有个说法。 造型大厅的中间,陈放着帕萨特B 5型轿车,这辆车呈滴水型曲面,线条圆润、典雅华贵,它被美国评为1 99 9年最佳家庭轿车。 帕萨特新车:一年修了十多次——一位车主的维修日记新...
  • 广州公交b5快路    B5还有1条快线是广州公交B5快路。
  • 广州公交b5路    广州公交B5路,简称B5,线路起止站点为宝岗大道总站至黄埔港总站,是2010年2月10日开通的广州BRT试验线的31条BRT线路之一。
  • 摩天手b5鼠标    摩天手B5鼠标是摩天手出品的蓝牙鼠标,它隶属摩天手鼠标产品线下的B系列,摩天手B5采用蓝光LDE为发光源,比传统的红光LED能够更好的适应各种使用见面,B5鼠标采用右手人体工学设计,正面采用了蓝色高光材质,鼠标顶部还设计有一枚切换键,可在1000/2000DPi两档分辨率之间自由切换。
  • 细胞色素b5    据解放军福州总医院介绍,朱忠勇的《N AD G—细胞色素b 5还原酶》等论文在国际权威学术刊物《血液》发表后,国际学术界为之称奇,美国、欧洲、日本的基因数据库同时登录,成为全球共享的生物信息资源。
  • 细胞色素b5还原酶    遗传性高铁血红蛋白血症是由于缺乏细胞色素b5还原酶(b5R)。 b5从NADH-细胞色素b5还原酶(黄素蛋白)接受电子后,传递给硬脂酰辅酶A去饱和酶,使硬脂酸在△9位去饱和,生成油酸。 p-450含量,增加每毫克微粒体蛋白中NADPH-细胞色素C还原酶和NADH-细胞色素b5还原酶的活性,从而增加肝脏微粒体蛋白含量(Takahashi,1991)。 据解放军福州总医院介绍,...
  • cytochrome    Janette Norman and colleagues tested the cytochrome " b" Pentamidine is primarily metabolized by Cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver. Pantoprazole is metabolized in the liver by the cytoc...
  • cytochrome a    The iron of the heme A of cytochrome a is hexacoordinated, that is bound with 6 other atoms. This enzyme belongs to the family of oxidoreductases, specifically those acting on hydrogen as ...
  • cytochrome a3    The iron of the heme A of cytochrome a3 is sometimes bound by 5 other atoms leaving the sixth site available to bind dioxygen ( molecular oxygen ). Its fully reduced state, which consists ...
  • cytochrome b    However there is no mention of beta-sarcoglycan or cytochrome b oxidase deficiency. "' Cytochrome b "'is a protein found in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. Nox2, or Cytochrome b (-24...
  • cytochrome b 5    In mammals the aerobic desaturation is catalyzed by a complex of three membrane-bound enzymes ( " NADH-cytochrome b 5 reductase, cytochrome b 5 ", and a " desaturase " ). In mammals the ae...
  • cytochrome b558    In case of CYBA mutations leading to the absence of p22phox, NOX2 expression is also absent and disables cytochrome b558, the redox element of the NADPH oxidase complex. A few years before...
  • cytochrome b559    Cytochrome b559 is essential for PSII assembly. Instead, cytochrome b559 could participate in a secondary electron transport pathway that helps protect PSII from photo-damage. Cytochrome b...

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